  • «Şəms» Tərcümə Xidmətləri Mərkəzi sizi bizim saytımızın bütün səhifələrində salamlamağa çox şaddır.

Simultaneous Interpretation

What is “simultaneous interpretation” and how is it different from the simple “consecutive oral interpretation?”

Simultaneous interpretation is the most labor-intensive type of translation, demanding both human and technical solutions. It is a special kind of oral translation in which the translator translates simultaneously while the speaker is speaking. Thus, while speaking, it is not necessary to pause between semantic groups so the interpreter has time to translate. Therefore your report or message comes across without interruption, allowing you to more precisely keep the attention of a listening audience, to feel its “spirit” and to avoid situations in which those that understand the lecturer’s language react earlier than those who do not, which can sometimes be comical and even unacceptable. This type of translation is used at large-scale events in which a large amount of people participate, as a rule, in large conference halls or auditoriums, where the voice of a regular interpreter will be inaudible or when the status of the event demands simultaneous interpretation; for example, when working with a high-ranking delegation where the timing of reports is precisely regulated. The simultaneous translator that is carrying out such a translation must have very high-level of professional and specialized long-term preparation. During simultaneous interpretation, the “rotation” of translators is very important as lengthy work can very quickly fatigue the interpreter and, at times, it is even hazardous to their health. Therefore, during simultaneous interpretation, the rotation of interpreters is presupposed. Usually interpreters work in timed intervals of 30 minutes. Therefore, the client, as a rule, pays for a “business hour of simultaneous translation” and «Shams Translation» determines the quantity of translators necessary for a qualitative translation.

Technical simultaneous interpretation is achieved using special equipment (headsets for those listening to the translation, a special transmitter, and a booth with the equipment for the translator, etc.). If you or your company does not have special equipment or the location of the event requiring interpretation is not equipped with this specific equipment – THERE IS NO PROBLEM! We will take care of these concerns ourselves and will provide equipment to you, and also set it up. All you have to do is arrive and take pleasure in the splendid performance of the interpretation.

«Shams Translation» has all the necessary resources at its disposal – the people and the equipment that they use.

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